For Full, rich brows That even a Werewolf would Envy, try the new as well faced Brow Envy kit


right here I’ve utilized the new $39 as well faced Brow Envy kit on my brows (I’m likewise using MAC Moxie Lipstick)
¡Anillo! ¡Anillo!

KAREN: Hello, this is Karen.


CAITLIN GREY-FANG: Hi, Karen, this is Caitlin Grey-Fang of contemporary Werewolf Magazine. exactly how are you today?

KAREN: Great. exactly how ’bout yourself?

CAITLIN: Excellent. I’m calling to very first introduce myself as well as state hello. I’m contemporary Werewolf’s new appeal editor, as well as I was referred to you by Tabs the cat.


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KAREN: Oh, hello. It’s great to satisfy you.

CAITLIN: I’m composing a story for our blog on that I hope you can assist me with.

KAREN: let me assumption — body hair removal? ‘Cause, GURL, I might talk about that FOR DAYS!

CAITLIN: Actually, no. however the next time I do a hair removal story, I’ll be sure to phone call you. I was really wondering if you had a moment to talk about brows.

KAREN: I a lot of definitely do! It’s a subject near as well as dear to my heart. exactly how can I assist you?

CAITLIN: Well, as you know, a lot of werewolves are blessed with big, rich brows, which is currently on-trend in the appeal world; however, there are a subset of lycanthropes who do requirement a bit assist when it pertains to faking full brows.

I was wondering if you might offer a few thoughts on the new $39 as well faced Brow Envy Kit. I hear from my colleagues that you’re a fan of the line, so I figured I’d phone call you for the 411?

Too faced Brow Envy Brow Shaping & Defining Kit, $39
KAREN: Sure! Qué casualidad. I’m really using Brow Envy today.

CAITLIN: Excellent! So tell me about it. Is it already out? as well as what does it do exactly?

KAREN: OK. Well, it was just recently released with the as well faced summertime 2014 collection, as well as it’s offered now at as well faced counters as well as on the internet for $39.

It comes with a couple of brow powders, a cream highlighter, a setting wax as well as a number of tools, like a small tweezers, a little angled brush, a spoolie as well as some stencils, although — exactly how can I put this? — it’s my comprehending that some werewolves like the look of a single strong brow.

CAITLIN: A unibrow? Yes, that is the fashion in some packs.

Brow Envy Brow Shaping & Defining Kit, $39
KAREN: Alright. Well, I mean that if one wished to produce that look, they might do so quite quickly freehand utilizing the products in this kit.

CAITLIN: Great! might you describe a bit for our visitors exactly how you utilize the palette?

KAREN: It’s easy. You fill in your brows with either the Brunette or Blonde powder, or you might even mix both if you’d like, as well as then set your brows with the setting wax to keep them in place.

Then, type of as an added bonus, if you want to highlight the arch in your brows, you can take the pink matte highlighter, run it just underneath the bottom of your brows, as well as blend, blend, blend.

As for the stencils, well, the concept is to utilize them to outline your desired brow shape by placing one directly on top of your brows as well as filling it in, but, reality be told, I never utilize stencils since the shapes always in shape funky on me, so I just freehand it, as well as I’d suggest your werewolf visitors do the same.

CAITLIN: When it gets ideal down to it, exactly how do you believe this palette performs? Do you believe a werewolf with sparse brows would be able to get the full look he or she wants?

Brow Envy Brow Shaping & Defining kit swatches from the left: Blonde, Brunette, Highlighter as well as setting Wax
KAREN: based on exactly how it performs on humans, I’d state yes, they would. I’ve been utilizing it for about a week now, as well as one of the things I truly like about it is exactly how swiftly you can darken your brows with it since of exactly how much pigment the powders pack. My brow hairs are naturally rather dark and, frankly, I was terrified that the Brunette shade wouldn’t do anything for me, however it does! It’s really quite intense.

I do have to say, though, that the setting wax as well as highlighter may not have sufficient “oomph” for a few of the werewolves I’ve seen on TV. The wax doesn’t truly have a great deal of hold in any way — either that, or my brow hairs are method as well unruly, LOL! as well as the highlighter is awfully subtle.

¡Vaya! as well as if your fur is red or silver, you’re type of S.O.L. here, as the kit only comes with Brunette as well as Blonde powders.

CAITLIN: Can I get your handle the tools?

KAREN: Yeah, I’d most likely only utilize ’em in a pinch. The small angled brush is tough to utilize as well as imprecise, as well as the small tweezers as well as spoolie, while cute, may be as well little for larger werewolf…hands? Paws?

AdicionalMaquillaje En este look: el forro es el delineador de gotear de crema impermeable ultra intenso súper saturado de la decadencia metropolitana en la perversión, los labios son los lápiz labial de Mac Crosswires, las mejillas son de rubor de MAC Cantalupe

Caitlin: puede utilizar cualquiera de los términos, sin embargo, creo que nuestra guía de estilo sugiere patas.

Karen: genial saberlo.

Caitlin: una última preocupación por usted, Karen: ¿Quién es el candidato perfecto para este kit?

Karen: lo humano, así como los entusiastas de los llamamientos al hombre lobo de todos los niveles de habilidad, aunque ayudaría a tener alguna experiencia frente a la ceja bajo su cinturón, teniendo en cuenta que los polvos de la frente están pigmentados.

Es fácil ir por la borda con ellos si no tienes cuidado. Si desea cejas oscuras, definidas, notables, puede llegar absolutamente con este kit.

Caitlin: Muchas gracias por su tiempo, Karen. ¡Te dejaré entender cuando la publicación va en línea en!


Karen: Eres extremadamente bienvenido. No puedo esperar a verlo. Awww-woooooooo!

Su amigable adicto a la comunidad de la comunidad,


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